Friday, June 28, 2013


I had a crazy dream last night, and it turns out that the Fluffyheaded Diva did, too.  I was going to post it on Facebook, but it became too long, so I decided to put it here.  Before I tell you about the dream, I have to say that I have very vivid dreams.  I dream in color and they are very detailed - I often wake up feeling like I'm still there and it takes me a few minutes to orient myself and remember that I'm at home in my bed.  I will remember the dreams for days and even weeks and years - I still remember dreams I had when I was a little girl.  Weird, huh?  It seems that Fluffy is on the same path, she often regales us with the craziest stories in the morning ... like today.

My dream first.  I have to say that I think it says something about how much I love my job when I dream about animal rescues.  My friends, D and K, and I were coming home after a movie, and I was driving our minivan.  I made a turn onto a little road and I see all of these big rocks stretching out the entire width of the street.  I stopped, because I was afraid of what running over them would do, and got out to check them out.  When I inspected more closely, they weren't rocks at all, they were turtles!  There were about fifteen of them, all about the size of big dinner plates.  I look over the shoulder of the road, and there was a HUGE Mama turtle, she looked like Morty from Discovery Cove - he is an African Spurred Tortise.  So, I realize that this is a Mama and her babies, and I immediately jump into action.  D and K jump out of the car with me to help block what little traffic is coming, and I get on the phone with 911 to have them send police help.  

Suddenly, a car pulls up and this big guy gets out and starts screaming at me to get out of the way.  The gals tried to explain that we were calling for help to save these turtles, and he starts cussing and just going off on us in general.  I'm choosing to not put his exact words on screen - although I do remember what he said vividly - because there was a lot of cursing and name calling.  (Seriously, did I mention that my imagination is insane?)  Sometime during his tirade, my friend D gets her phone out and starts recording him - she's a genius!  He yells into the car for his buddies to get out, they pick up the Mama turtle (these things get BIG) and THROW her into the trunk of his car!  He screams that he knows how to handle this one - TURTLE SOUP!!  And then KICKS IN the side of her shell!  They jump back in the car and squeal away - thankfully, D got his license tag!

Other cars have stopped at this point, and people are trying to help us keep the babies all together - kind of rounding them up into a group.  I often use the term "herding turtles" when it comes to gathering up my kids, thanks to the gals at Rants From Mommyland, and this is exactly what we were doing and I'll picture from now on!  The police officer finally shows up, and we sent him after the guy who stole the Mama.  I get on the phone with Sea World (because I just happen to have some of those numbers with me), and manage to get a rescue team en route.  

I woke up shortly after that happened, so I'm not sure how the story ends ... but I would like to think that the police officer kicked in that guy's "shell" - or skull, or ribs, or whatever was easiest and he went to jail, and we were able to save the Mama and all her babies.  


THEN, Fluffy wakes up and says this to Hubby:

I dreamed that you were a bear and a shark killer, but you got attacked by a poisonous taco shark ... whatever that is.


Thursday, June 27, 2013

Thoughts on Servanthood...

During the sermon this past week, our pastor spoke on how "Good Works" are not the only path to Salvation.  This sparked a fascinating conversation on the way home about serving in the Church, something we both enjoy doing.  But ... why?

Do we enjoy serving alongside our brothers and sisters because we get satisfaction out of it?  Yes.  I love knowing that doing just a bit on my part has helped somebody else's agenda lighten up a little.

Do we enjoy serving because we want the attention?  Hmm... trickier question.  I'm a people-pleaser.  When someone notices something that I did, I do like to be thanked for it ... but I rarely get upset if nothing is said.  I don't do it *for* the attention, but sometimes the attention is an added perk.

But *why* do we do it?  Simple: because Christ commanded it.  He told us many times that we are to love one another, and serving is showing that you care.

Fewer things in life bring me greater joy than working alongside my husband at our church.  There are times when it gets hectic, of course, but some of my best prayer time comes when I'm working for Him.

Wednesday, June 26, 2013

DOMA Struck Down

I know, I know, I know ... you're probably overwhelmed and tired of hearing about it already.  But, what is one more post, right?  Wouldn't be social media unless we *all* put our two cents in!

I want to start with a warning label - I'm about to royally tick a lot of you off.  I'm going to apologize in advance for that.  Not because I'm sorry for what I'm about to say, but because I know that there are a lot of you that are just going to disagree, might be angry with me, will have several choice words for me ... that saddens me.  But by now, all of you should know that when I stick my neck out to say something important, it is because I feel very strongly about it.

I've mentioned before that I have friends that believe all things, from the very conservative right-wingers, to the very liberal left, and everywhere in the middle and beyond.  I've always fallen somewhere in the middle, and that seems to annoy everyone.  But today?  Today I'm pretty strong to one side of the fence.

And with that, you've been warned.


I did not support DOMA, or what it stood for, and I'm relieved that the Supreme Court struck it down.  I know, you conservatives probably just freaked out.  Again, sorry.  Whether you've known me for years and years, or have only been reading for five minutes, you have probably gathered that I'm a pragmatic realist, and while I see the world in thousands of colors, I'm very black and white when it comes to the law.

~  Separation of Church and State:  Can we please just *start* here?!?  I think if we did more often, we wouldn't have as many issues as we do.  Look folks, I don't care what religion you are, it can NOT have influence on our laws.  Period.  The end.

~  Allowing sin:  Most of my Christian friends argue that homosexuality is a sin, and by allowing homosexuals to marry then we are allowing them to sin.  Ok, I see that, really I do.  But, by that same logic, then we should ban the sale of alcohol to alcoholics, refuse entry to casinos by gamblers, and ban buffets for over-eaters.  And please don't argue that it is different, because it really really isn't.

~  It is Ceasar's:  Jesus tells us to "give to Ceasear what is his" (Luke 20:25).  While, this applies directly to paying taxes, I have heard many sermons over the years that instruct that Jesus was teaching that we are to obey the laws of our land.  When we declared that "all men are created equal", we weren't just whistling in the wind.  Our great country has clarified this over the years ... "all men" went from just white men to men of all color, and then to men and women.  We should not stop at sexual orientation.  We The People should not be able to pick and choose who get rights, it has taken us 200 years to learn that lesson, but we need to keep remembering what our forefathers were trying to do.

~  Jesus wants us to love - FIRST:  By showing hatred and bigotry to homosexuals, we are sinning.  Jesus does NOT tell us to love only those who are rich, straight, and obedient.  He wants us to love each other without blinders, and without binding others.  By saying only certain people can have rights?  That isn't showing love at all.

Again, I know I have ticked off a lot of you, but I hope that you can understand why I feel the way I do.  I know many people who are going to enjoy the legal freedoms that this is going to bring, legal freedom that I enjoy every single day.  And it is never going to be my job to choose who gets to do what.


Whenever I post something on this blog, I *always* read it to Hubby first.  He knows my brain better than anyone, and he knows that all of my thoughts get jumbled up inside.  While writing makes some of that better, I still get lost.  Having his input ensures that I'm being as clear as possible, as well as making sure that I don't write anything that he isn't comfortable with.  After writing this post, we got into a very colorful discussion, and I've decided to add a few things, just so that I'm perfectly clear.

As a Christian, I very much do believe that homosexuality is a sin.  But, where my point of view differs from so many of the talking heads that are crowding the airwaves ... I don't feel the need to control others or their actions.  (Well, ok, outside of my own family, because y'all know I *am* a bit of a control freak, but whaves, I digress.)  I believe that eternally, there will be a price to pay for homosexuality, just as many of us will pay the price for our sins.  (Like hatred - are you listening Westboro?)

If we were a Christian Nation, or a Muslim Nation, or An Any Other Religion Out There Nation, this would be an entirely different story.  But we're not.  We are a Non-Denominational Nation.  We are a Nation that has declared that our religious beliefs must be completely separated from how we govern.  It is a sticky wicket.  It is so easy to want to govern with our whole hearts, and what we believe - especially because so many of our laws are Biblical anyway, like theft and murder.

I don't have to agree with something to recognize the importance it has in the lives of other people.  There are lots of things out there that I find abhorrent and wish I could abolish forever, but it just isn't that easy.  And that is where I find stuck between a rock and a hard place, and I know so many who feel the same way.

We all enjoy many freedoms in this country, it is just my wish that we all enjoy them equally.  Freedom of Speech is always at the top of my list.  I will always listen to, support, and defend whatever comments any of you have, but on my blog, Freedom of Speech does not include hatred.  So, if you do respond, keep in mind that I won't tolerate any of that nonsense here.  Much obliged.

Monday, June 24, 2013

The Appointment and Judgement

We had Red's appointment this afternoon.  I have to say, I was a little confused as to why we would be going to an appointment at the probation office.  I just couldn't figure it out - he hasn't even been charged yet, there was no trial, no plea ... total confusion.  The probation officer explained it, though.  First, credit card fraud can sometimes be difficult to prove against a juvenile.  Especially when it is from a family member.  Secondly, they wanted to know if this is just an isolated incident that could be easily corrected at home, or if the victim (in this case, my dad) wanted to pursue charges through the criminal system.


How do you answer that?  Yes, please, find the biggest heaviest book you can find and throw it at my first born ... the child that I look at and still see sprawled on the floor playing with Legos.  But, it is what it is.  We have to teach him that he is not an authority figure, that he has to answer to others, and that his behaviors have repercussions.  The probation officer is going to recommend to the State that charges are filed, and then we will go through a normal court process.   

Le Sigh.


So, I said yesterday that I was going to have a few things to say about the sermon at church.  I want to talk about Judgement.

It is soooo easy, isn't it?  It is just so easy to look at someone and make quick decisions about them, about how they act, and about their lives.  It is so easy to make a stink about them without even knowing them.  It is just so darned easy.  I'll admit it, I even do it, without even thinking about it.  See? Easy.

But who are we really hurting?  I can honestly say that we hurt whomever we're judging, we hurt whomever we're speaking with - or gossiping with, and we're hurting ourselves.  Who are we to be so arrogant to think that we can do God's job?!?  And what's next?  Hey, I can sit in judgement over others, why don't I just create an entire universe, too!  Umm... No.  The issue is black and white, people, when we judge, we are sinning.

You know what else is sinful, though?  Buying into the judgement.  I have to thank a very dear friend who smacked me (verbally) in the head yesterday.  (You know who you are, gorgeous blonde with glasses and amazing musical ability!!!)  She said, you are buying the lie that you're telling yourself, and that's not ok.  She's right.  I was buying into the shame.  That's why I didn't tell anyone what was going on in my life.  I was ashamed that I can't "control my kid", I was ashamed that I had bumps and bruises - from my kid.  I was ashamed that we were hitting brick walls daily and there was only a handful of people I could tell.  And even telling them?  I was ashamed.


Because I bought into the lie that our life was something to be ashamed of.  I bought the lie.  And that? Yeah, that's a sin, too.

I've mentioned before that I work with a lot of "kids" at my job.  Most of them are close to half my age (which makes them 13 since I'm 26 - bwahahahahaha).  One of them told me that he'd been reading and said, "Pffft.  Haters gonna hate, right?  Don't let them take you down."  Love it.  Not necessarily the way I'd say it, but love it anyway.

Haters gonna hate.  Satan is going to continue to try and take me down.  But I'm not going to let it get to me anymore, because I have Someone so much bigger on my side.

The truth is, I'm weary with the issues in our family right now, but that doesn't mean I'm ashamed.  We've got challenges, sure, doesn't everybody?!?  But I know - I know with ever fiber of my being - that God is going to show His mighty face in this drama.  God is going to use this for His Glory!!

Until then, haters gonna hate.  But they aren't going to take me down.

Sunday, June 23, 2013

A week in review...


What a week last week was!  I barely even had time to blink, let alone write!  There's so much I want to talk about, but no way I'm going to sit here all night and type - and I wouldn't expect you to sit through one entire huge post anyway.  Pretty sure even I would get bored lol.  But, I will have lots to say throughout the entire week :)

I want to start by thanking my amazing Hubby for a fantastic night out last Monday.  It was oh-so-very-much needed!  We were celebrating my birthday (26 again! lol) and our 8th wedding anniversary.  When I married him, I was head over heels in love and it never occurred to me that I could love Hubby even *more*.  But I do.  This man is even more incredible than he was eight years ago.  I am so blessed!!  He took me to Epcot at Walt Disney World - my favorite spot.  His hope was that we would be able to watch my favorite fireworks show, Illuminations, but the weather was not cooperating and it was cancelled.  No worries, though, because the Cottage Pie with Bubble and Squeak from the UK's Rose & Crown, followed by a funnel cake from the American Pavilion was more than enough for me ... and we can go back anytime for the fireworks ;)

We had VBS this past week, and that was what kept me on my toes.  I loved photographing all those kids!  It was such a great time watching them learn about the Armor of God, and becoming Superheroes!  I am so proud of my own children for diving head first and growing this week.  Today, in church, we wore our "Breastplates of Righteousness" - tye-died shirts.  Fluffyheaded Diva was so confident, especially when she was asked to repeat the pledge!  We did have a funny conversation this morning about why Paul didn't write about pants.  She is quite annoyed that they didn't wear pants back then, and has decided that she's going to wear Pants of Peace from now on.  (That being said, she was just arguing with Sir Smiley ... not wearing our Pants of Peace now, are we!??!  lol)

Yesterday, we got to celebrate at the wedding of dear friends.  I have loved watching these two fall in love over the last 18 months.  I talked to the Bride on Friday, and totally embarrassed myself - I got so choked up!!  Please know, our sweet friends, that we shall continue to pray for your marriage and for you both.  You are very dear to our family, and we love you!  May you always be blessed, "Risch-ly"  ;)

Today's church service was simply amazing, and really spoke into my heart.  I'm not going to go into everything right now, though.  I honestly think I still need a day to process everything.  In conjunction with a very powerful sermon from our pastor, a sweet sister spoke with me today about some of the issues we've been facing.  I was reminded, yet again, that I am truly blessed by wonderful friends.  God has placed exactly the right people that He wants in my path, even someone as dense and hard-headed as me has gotten the message.  Later this week, I will go into more detail about some of the things that I learned today.

Finally ... an update on Red.  He was kind of a different kid this week.  He wasn't as obnoxious, or disrespectful.  He was even kind of helpful a few times.  We had one run in, and he told me that he wanted to leave - that he hates living here.  His pain is so real, I just don't understand how to reach him sometimes.

It seems as if the state is going to pick up the charges for his theft, and he is going to have to face some sort of punishment.  This is such a frustrating situation for me ... he's my baby - he will **always** be my baby.  But, if he doesn't learn soon that there are consequences for his actions, I'm just not sure he ever will.  It is time for him to face the music.  I ask that you be in prayer for us tomorrow afternoon, as we will be meeting with a probation officer that has been assigned to his case.  Pray that we have the wisdom to make the right decisions.  A friend of ours that works in the field has also recommended two residential facilities that might help us get him back on track.  I will be contacting them tomorrow, we'll see what happens.

Thank you all, again (and again and again) for your continued support and encouragement.  Y'all are my fluffy bunnies!!

Monday, June 17, 2013

An Evening With Red

I have to admit, I am **loving** all of the questions I've been getting lately - so many people want to understand more about this journey.  Yesterday, a friend asked what a "typical" day looks like with Red.  The short answer I always give is, "Do you watch Big Bang Theory?  Because, I live with a non-germaphobic sarcastic version of Sheldon."  But the longer answer is ... I couldn't think of a better example than what just happened this past Saturday evening.  

This week, we have VBS at my church, and I'm very excited.  I've always helped out with VBS, and I truly enjoy it.  I knew that I was going to be volunteering again this year, but as of Saturday evening, I still didn't know what I was doing.  Red and I went to the grocery store, and while we were there, I got a phone call from the gal in charge.  I had ~assumed~ I would be teaching, but we all know what happens when we assume.  This assumption was based on a few conversations that have taken place over the past few weeks.  But, as it turns out, there was some miscommunication.  I'm not going to play a blame game, either I misunderstood or missed something (which, let's face it, happens a lot), or maybe somebody else didn't explain it well enough ... who knows?  But, it came down to me, standing in the middle of the cereal aisle, finding out that I'm not going to be doing something I love ... and it all comes back to this situation with Red.  


Time for me to admit something:  Logically, I understand his issues, and I understand the thought process (or lack thereof) of spreading the rumors that got us here.  I can forgive him, because, at the end of the day, he is a 13-year-old boy that struggles with emotional issues on top of puberty on top of Asperger's.  Let's face it, the kid has the deck stacked against him.  But, when I'm caught off guard with something like this?  I still get so mad at him!  I resent him.  I resent his behavior.  I resent Asperger's.  I resent it ALL.  I get angry and bitter, and stomp around.  And, then, after about five minutes, I remember that this is MY CHILD, and I can't act that way.  So, I get my head on straight, and deal with the situation.  

When I stopped teaching, we made the decision to not tell Red that it was because of his actions.  We didn't want to make him feel like he had power over this situation.  Because that is how he would have perceived it.  He possesses a real arrogance, and no matter how everything actually went down, he would have always seen it as HE had me "fired" as a teacher.  When I use the term "we" here, it was me and Hubs, obviously, but also our pastor, and the children's ministry director - both of whom have been trying to help us with counseling options and guidance, encouragement and support with Red.  I have started taking on more of an administrative role anyway, assisting the director and helping plan lessons and prep crafts and such.  Which, honestly, can be a huge undertaking, and it is difficult to teach all the time when you're doing that, as well.  If Red asked, we would tell him the truth - I'm not teaching anymore, but I'm doing all of this other stuff.  Working full-time and homeschooling, there really is only so much I can add to my plate anyway.  

After this phone call in the grocery store, I was sad.  Frustrated, annoyed.  I felt like the scab had been ripped off.  AGAIN.  Red couldn't figure out why, and I decided it was time to tell him *something*.  I told him that, at this point, the details of the situation aren't important, we needed to look at the bigger picture:  Once again, Red, you have done something that has hurt someone.  You can't make up for it, you can't fix it.  Do you feel bad?  (I guess)  Do you wish you could take it back?  (I don't know what I did, but I guess so)  ... That's called remorse, Son.  And that is what I need you to learn.  That when you do something that hurts someone, if it is intentional or an accident, you still need to find some way to fix the situation.  His response?  "Ok, fine.  Pizza ready yet?"


Sidebar:  I've been asked to take pictures for VBS.  If I can't teach, then photographing the entire event is really the next best thing.  I've been truly enjoying starting the photo business with Hubby, so I have no hard feelings about VBS, just the situation leading up to it.

We went home, and he was bringing the groceries in from the car.  It took him awhile to come back in from the last trip, and I went out to find him leaning against the van, all the doors open, and him blasting the radio.  We have asked him countless times to not play with the radio.  Just don't do it.  I calmly told him to come inside, and on the way in, I reminded him that this was disobedience, that we have asked him to not mess with our vehicle, that he has his own radio inside and he needs to use that.  

And then he started yelling at me and cussing at me.  The rest of the night was filled with him being as hurtful and disrespectful as he could manage.  I told him to go to his room, that he could have dinner later after he calmed down, and he threatened to call the DCF investigator on me for not feeding him.  


I know a lot of this is just normal teenager crap, and a lot of my friends experience the same with their kids.  I get lost though ... because Red is the oldest, it is difficult for us to sort out the normal teenager defiance from the aspergic (is that a word? it is now) crud.  If anyone has experience with that, please let me know, I could use the help.  Like, a giant sifter.


In other news around here ... we had a wonderful Father's Day dinner last night for Hubby and Dad, and then birthday cake for me.  Red velvet - my favorite!!  Today, Hubby and I are going to Disney after VBS ... and I'm soooo looking forward to an afternoon/evening away to celebrate my birthday and our 8th wedding anniversary.  

Thank you all again, for your encouragement and love!  

Saturday, June 15, 2013

The Pyramid of Umbrellas

The $100,000 question for today is......

How do you get help from a system that is supposed to help, but doesn't have any actual options that are helpful?

My caseworker called Thursday afternoon, all excited that she had found a program that would be "perfect" for us, and we scheduled a time to meet for yesterday when I got off work.  This program?  It is essentially an umbrella for a lot of other programs across the state ... some of which are merely more umbrella programs for programs.  It reminds me of a pyramid scheme.  Bah.

I called yesterday afternoon and left messages with six different agencies, one of which had already denied him, but I took a chance anyway.  I'm hoping I get return calls next week.

I have had so many of you reach out with encouragement, words don't do my appreciation justice.  Thank you to all!!  It is such an immense blessing to know that there are people out there who are invested in my family.  I love you all :)


In non-Red news ... my house smells like Obsession for Men.  Sir Smiley broke Hubby's bottle yesterday afternoon.  Guess I know what I need to buy him for Father's Day ;)

Sir Smiley and the Fluffyheaded Diva had a blast last night at my company's movie night - nothing better than watching a movie with your feet in the sand!  :)  ... I have to really give Sea World a lot of credit.  They go above and beyond to make sure employees get lots of good perks!  Last month, we went to "Wonderworks" - a weird science-y fun place, this month we're going to Gatorland!  I wish more companies would do things like this for their employees - it really does promote a family environment.


Tomorrow is Father's Day ... and I wish you a fun and happy day.  Some of you will celebrate with your dads, others will celebrate their husbands as dads ... and I know a few of you will be missing your dads because they are no longer with you.  Tomorrow is a day to be grateful that there is/was a man in your life who helped you get here.  If none of these apply to you (and I know that there are a couple of you out there who might feel left out), just remember, that you have a Heavenly Father who created you and loved you very much.

Have a lovely weekend my friends.


Thursday, June 13, 2013


Wow, y'all.  Just wow.

I'm overwhelmed.  Thank you all so much for all of your kind words.  The encouragement that has poured out from everywhere is just so ... well ... overwhelming.

Since I let loose yesterday and spilled out our whole family drama, I have received responses on here and on FB from so many people.  I've had friends write to me to tell me their own stories from childhood, or share their own struggles with their families.  I've had comments on my bravery for sharing, I've had love and support shown to me from every angle.

You know what I haven't had?  Anything negative.  At all.  And honestly?  While all of the support has been fantastic, even more fantastic is that no one has stepped up and chastised me or put me down.  That was my biggest fear.  I have discovered that I really do have the most phenomenal support system out there.

Love you all.  Thank you for your love, your prayers, your awesomeness.


Things with Red the last couple of days continue to spiral out of control.  Tuesday night, we contacted DCF (child protective services) for assistance.  They came out and did an evaluation, and then told us there was nothing they could do to help.  The investigator said he would "staff our case" on Wednesday morning, and would call us.  It is now Thursday noon and I still haven't heard anything.

My biggest frustration is that there just doesn't seem to be an answer.  Most of the advice that was given to me yesterday was to pray for him (which please know that we do ... perpetually and without ceasing) and to try and speak to him about his actions - that what he is doing is hurting his relationship with God.

Red was baptized on his birthday last year.  He absolutely believes that God sent Christ as his Savior and has relinquished his heart.


Red does not (currently) have the ability to CARE that his actions have consequences.  He knows that an action has a reaction - whether positive or negative.  When he reads a book to Sir Smiley, he gets praise.  When he pushes the Fluffyheaded Diva around, he gets admonished.  BUT.  Neither positive or negative words have an effect on him.  He simply performs actions that he chooses to perform and has no regard for how others might feel about those actions.

Think about every moronic news story you've heard about Paris Hilton or Britney Spears or or Dennis Rodman or Lindsey Lohan.  It seemed that no matter what they did, they had this "above you all nothing matters because I have paparazzi" attitude.  That's what Red displays ... but, without the flashing cameras.

Several of you asked me to provide a list of specific prayers that you can assist me with, and I am happy to provide that.  But I want to give a disclaimer here:  All of you know that I am a Christian, but I know that not all of you are.  And, are you ready for this?  That is OK.  While I love prayer, I also accept happy thoughts, good vibes, loving juju, and whatever else you have to offer.  A very dear friend always says she'll pray to "God, Buddha, Allah, and Oprah" ... which, I'll be honest, cracks me up every single time.  Oprah ... bwahaha.  I know that there are some of you that will be offended, but please don't be.  I love all of my friends, despite religion, race, creed, gender, etc.  And at the end of the day, all of you have come here for one reason - to support my family.  Stand in solidarity for me - regardless of your background.

Did that sound a little arrogant there at the end?  Hrm... whatever, you got my point.

So, with all of that being said, some specific prayer requests:

~  Pray that we are able to maintain positive communication with Red

~  Pray that Red is able to hear that we do love him, and that we are only trying to help him

~ Pray that DCF gets their collective heads out of the sand and starts to find real workable solutions for our family

~  Pray protection for Princess, Fluffy, and SirSmiley, that they are able to get through this entire ordeal with as little damage as possible

~  Pray for my father's health

~  Pray for wisdom and guidance for me and for Hubby, that we are able to keep our family moving in the right direction

Thank you all again, you will never know how much you all mean to me - to us.


Wednesday, June 12, 2013


This past Sunday, our pastor gave a phenomenal sermon entitled "Consequences".  Ironically enough, I had been thinking since last week that I would need to write about the same thing.  So, taking the sermon as a sign that I need to sit down and get all of this out.  Grab a cup of coffee, I have *a lot* to say.  It has taken me a very long time to decide to write this.  I've hidden a lot of what has been going on because I'm ashamed.  But I think it is time to "come clean".  Silence isn't doing any of us any good.

Some of you may know that Red, our oldest (13), has Asperger's Syndrome.  Along with that, he also has ADHD, Sensory Processing Disorder, Oppositional Defiance Disorder, mild Savants, and Obsessive tendencies.  Oh, and puberty.  Please, let us not forget that little gem.  When most people meet Red, they think he's a normal kid.  He's a little quiet, polite, somewhat friendly ... in fact, some people have even told me that I'm imagining all of these traits - making it all up.  The only defense I have is that he is different at home.  Completely different.  A psychiatrist diagnosed him.  A psychologist he saw for six months not only confirmed that diagnosis, but thinks the psychiatrist may have missed a few things.  We were just beginning to look into other behaviors when the psychologist left the organization she was with and couldn't see him anymore.  

So much has gone on with Red over the last few months.  So very much that no one knows.  We've talked to a few trusted advisors, but we just keep coming back to the same result:  no one knows how to handle my child.  The violent outbursts, the attitude that no one has authority over him, bullying his younger sisters and brother, stealing ... all of it is getting worse and worse.  We left the area of "out of control" months ago.  And here we sit ... scratching our heads, and crying out to God for relief.  

Two years ago, Red pulled a knife on me, threatened to stab me.  We had to have him "Baker Acted", which means he was taken to a mental health facility because he was in danger of hurting himself or others.  He was released the next day, because they didn't feel there was any sense of urgency to his actions.  Right ... because pulling a knife on your mom is *totally* ok.  Last year, he punched me so hard that I almost lost consciousness.  I don't even remember what the fight was about, but I suspect that (much like the norm) it was him refusing to do something simple that we had asked of him, and him freaking out and - literally - going ballistic.  That night, I called and had him arrested.  There are no better words to describe the situation than "it sucked".  I felt like a failure as a mom, like I had screwed this child up so badly that he would never again be the giggling, lego-building, silly child he once was. I felt personally responsible.  After the arrest, Red was placed in a diversionary program (which did *nothing*), and a case manager was assigned to his case.  The case manager has proved to be invaluable over this past year, but even she has had limitations within the "system".  The judge eventually dismissed his case.

Most recently, his behavior has been spiraling out of control.  Everyday, he finds a new level of disrespect, a new way to skirt the real issues, a new way to make us feel even lower than we had before.  Some of his most recent actions:

~  In March, he told me to "f-off".  During the following fight, he hit me in the face several times, popped the lens out of my glasses (thankfully, cheap plastic frames - popped right back in), and bruised my chest.  When I decided to call for the police, he concocted such a tale, that they ended up arresting me for child abuse.  Just two weeks later, when the case finally got in front of a judge, the charges were dropped because his statements were so contradictory.  My defense attorney told me the judge said I never should have even been arrested.  

~  The very next week, Red attacked me because I reminded him that he had, once again, refused to do any schoolwork.  My dad witnessed the attack, and said he thinks Jack struck me more than twenty times.  The blows landed in my shoulder and head.  I ended up in the hospital with some minor tissue damage in my shoulder, and a concussion - which was serious enough that they admitted me.  We didn't call for help that time ... because I just didn't feel anyone could help us anymore.  We had already tried several avenues and running into dead ends over and over.  

~  Most recently, we have discovered that he has been stealing money out of my dad's bank account.  Initially, it was just a few dollars here and there at the 7-11, but it gradually grew from there.  He would take money out of the atm, or go to other stores and make purchases.    Last week, my dad called the bank to get his checking account balance, and he was informed that they were closing his account for a fraud investigation.  Just the night before, more than $400 had been taken from the account for online purchases.  We found out that the day before, he had snuck out and gone to wal-mart, and spent over $175 on computer equipment (and then came home and told Dad that some guy just handed it to him).  We had no choice, we had to call the police and file charges against him.  He wasn't arrested, but the case has gone to the state's attorney's office for review, and the situation certainly isn't over yet.  

On a daily basis, he bullies Fluffy and Smiley.  He pushes them around, terrorizes them, says hateful things to them.  He threatened to beat down my dad (who is almost 70 years old and is on oxygen for CHF and COPD).  He constantly curses at me and Hubby, and then treats us like we don't even exist.  This child honestly feels that no one can touch him - that he is above reproach... and above us all.  

So what does this have to do with consequences?  Well... Red doesn't think there are any.  He has absolutely no understanding of the pain he has caused.  He doesn't realize that every cold shoulder he turns feels like a knife stabbing me in the heart.  He doesn't realize that we aren't trying to punish him (ever), but that we're always trying to help him.  With all of his diagnoses, I've tried to teach him that he doesn't have excuses, just different challenges.  My only prayer for him - for all of my children - is that he is successful.  And, I'm not talking Bill Gates / President of the USA / Nobel Prize kind of success ... I just want them to be happy, with loving families of their own, with hopes and dreams and passions that they want to chase - and maybe even capture.  At this rate, Red isn't going to make it, because he is dooming himself, and he just doesn't see it.  But then again, how many of us *could* at 13?  But then again (again), that's what parents are for!  To keep their head-strong and stubborn teens on the right path so they don't self-destruct.  

And then there's the fallout.  Red went to the Wednesday night youth group at church, and told someone (or a number of someones - we don't quite have the whole story) that I abuse him daily and he finally got me arrested and if I ever touch him again, he was going to call the cops and have me arrested again.  Those children went home and told their parents, those parents went to the church with their concerns.  Part of the fallout is that my position in the ministry has changed because parents are fearful that I'm an abuser.  Which, I get.  Really I do.  And if you're one of the people that went to church, please know I'm not angry.  I'm sad.  I'm sad that I feel like I'm wearing a scarlet letter and that the people who are surrounding me don't understand the complexity of the situation, and I'm sad that if you know me, you know that I'll always give an honest answer and you should just ask me what's going on instead of talking behind my back.  

More fallout?  My dad's health is taking a real hit.  He's on oxygen more than ever, he get panicked so easily.  He feels like he does nothing but fight with Red all day long.  He has been Red's best friend since the day he was born, and he never imagined that Red would fight him the way he is now.  The night I was in the hospital with a concussion, my dad had to be taken to the hospital for another heart attack, and was in for a month.  

More fallout?  Hubby and I have taken so much time from work that we're at risk of losing our jobs. We've only taken a couple of days that weren't Red-related.  The rest has been because of trips to the ER or, you know, going to jail.  (ugh.  you have no earthly idea how much it sucks to write that.  ugh ugh ugh)

More fallout?  The Littles are starting to pick up on Red's behavior.  They can't see the punishments he gets (because it isn't a time-out, and that's what they understand), so they have started to lie, and hit, and fight.  If big brother can do it, why can't I?  Fluffy has even started telling my dad that she hates him, because she hears her big brother say it.  


How far do they reach?  How deep can they injure?  There really are no limits.  

How do you teach consequences to a child that just doesn't understand?

Even worse ... how do you teach consequences to a child that doesn't want to be bothered to understand?


I realize that by writing this, I could very well be inviting some serious negative feedback.  I would like to ask you to please use caution when responding.  I didn't write this as a tale of woe, but because I know there are other parents out there who struggle.  I know that other families are out there who are frightened of their own children.  I have chosen to make our situation public because despite all of the fallout and frustration, we know that something good will ~eventually~ come out of this.  We know that under all the junk my kid is facing, he's still an awesome kid, and he's not gone - just a little lost.  

How do I know this?  Because God made fluffy bunnies.